Hopes for Future
Tasib Lotifi
As a human,
We all have hope
We live on hope
We do on hope
We die on hope.
We don't know the future
We can't get back our past
Once we have maken mistake
We can't fix it back.
We're in a flowing river
Where we can't stop
We just have to flow with water
All we can do is make pray
And change our way to better.
We miss our past
We think about our future
We want to be success
But we forget to live in present.
We know the initial point
But we don't know the final
We are just flowing with water
All we can do is swim to get better.
We're human
We have limitations
Some break it
Some fall behind.
The limitation that can be brake
Is permitted by God.
We do dream
But we don't work on it
We think some will come
And will do all the things.
We try to find the truth
We don't try to find the truth
Once we found it
We do change ourselves.
Death is must
Death don't care about classes
Millionaires also have to taste it
Billionaires do so.
None can buy death
Poor have to die
Middle have to die
Rich have to die.
Who have a life
Have to die.
Having hopes for Future is good
Working on it, is the best
But we should be prepared for the death
Once it comes, we can't run back.