Depression, it's not only today's thing, people are facing this problem from the ancient time. There are numberous reason why people get depressed. Especially in this modern age people are more depressed. Digital depression means being depressed all the time without any valid reasons. 


The first reason that I wanted to include is overthinking. In most of the case, overthinking is only the reason people get depressed. Like, you're a student and you're planning something for your career. But you have board exam left. Right now, you should have forced on your studies but you're focusing on Business, Career and many more. Which actually has nothing to do with your current life status. But still you watch different videos and think about them. However, the result of watching that video is zero for your next board exam. Over thinking can be defined like you have to do a task for your next goal but you're thinking way more future of that goal.

Watching Different Vids

Today, It's easy to get any kind of news, it's easy to learn different skills. But it has a disadvantage too. Everyday many people watch 1000 of different topic's videos which actually has no meaning in his current life. They continuously putting meaningless videos in their mind which making them over thinking in life and which causing depression. 


When we have to do a work in a certain time but when the time comes we show our laziness and keep the work for tomorrow or the next day and sometime that next day never come that's called procrastination. However, today procrastination has become a part of many people's life. They know there is nobody who will come and do their work but still they procrastinate. And by the time there realise that they and by the time there realise that they are and by the time they realise that their work hasn't done yet they depressed.

Shorts & Reels

I know that you have never seen reels as a factor of depression in any kind of articles. But in my opinion this is also a main reason why people getting depressed. Look, when we are scrolling on shorts feed, we don't know where we are going to end and we also don't know what will be the next video. Random video comes and then we put it into my and making our mind more heavy and filling it with trash and wastes. And I think that this is over reason of why people get depressed. 

Watching bad

Now, lot of people have already understood what I am trying to say. So yes, there is nothing more to write about it because many people thinks that it's just a part of a regular life or of our life. But in reality, it has no place in our real life. Those who watch this types of videos are always feel loneliness and depression.
Just remember watching this is not a normal thing.

Always staying in room

No matter what if you have too much pressure of work you must should go out for a walk. Specially walking in the nature is the best thing.  

Mobile Addiction

According to some websites, in 2023 the average screen time was about 6.30 hours. Being in front of mobile screen effects badly on our brain as well as our overall health. 

Now let's talk about how to get rid of it.
At this time people try to find out how to get rid of from addiction. They don't even know that it's all depends on them. However, here some steps that could make your journy more easy:
  1. Don't think, just plan one thing that you wanted to do at the end or middle of this year or month. Then, watch videos on it by searching about it on the internet. No matter what, just ignore the links that aren't relevant with your work. Just immediately scroll down within a second.
  2. Don't think, just make a way or path or gather all the resources, if you have enough space in your mobile if you have enough space in your storage then download them for offline usage. 
  3. Make block time and reduce it to one day per week. And in that day make a a hour where you are going to see what's happening around you then no matter what if the matter is not relevant/related with you then forget it. And start working again.
  4. After reading the past three steps, you might have gotten confused that if this steps for human or for robots. However, you don't need to worry about anything.Because these should not be followed letters by letters. You just need to give your best to follow these step and it's true that you will not able to follow this steps perfectly. But, if you try harder then at the end of the day, you will be the one, who is a disciplined men. 
  5. Don't make daily routines instead make a proper plan. Like, if you wanted to get yourself into a renowned college then find the resources find related with the college. Then, find what you need and what you should do, what you should not do, ask to you selected peers or seniors to give you some advice or watch videos on YouTube and then gather all the resources and follow the steps that you should. 
  6. In this step, we will take an easy example. Now think that you wanted to be a millionaire. Now what you are going to do first. You obviously going to see some videos or read some articles of your seniors or the person who has already done it. Then you will get there all the information like, what you have to do and what you should not do. Then you will process those data by looking and thinking about it and read some books related with millionaires or the wealth. Now if you truly wanted to become a million or now if you truly wanted to become a millionaire then you are not going to think of it. You will not day dream. You will just focus on the path that you should follow. The part that will lead you through the success. That success that you want. After doing all of these stuffs, now you will going to start and continue doing it regularly you will start by taking action menas by selling a product or service or valid courses. If you wanted to be the respectful person and also a millionaire in the society then you are definitely going to choose the right path. You are not going to scam anyone, you are not going to take away anyone rights.
  7. Try to use social media less. But if you unconsciously use social media for more than usual time than make yourself feeling regret for one or two time. And don't harm yourself. Just feel regret. 
  8. Slowly leave the bad addictions. Because you cannot do it in just a one day or one week. It might take a month or a year. Don't give up just try to leave. 
  9. Watching shorts, ignore what it suggests. But if you wanted to watch shorts for entertainment purpose, then count how many shows you have seeing. Don't cross the limit. The maximum you can watch is 5-10. Now you have to understand that the news feed of every social media,(long video or shorts video) it's endless. Don't trap into endless loop. 
  10. Always think positive. Think that you can do. And never feel sad by seeing other's happiness and achievements. Give love to everyone and respect. 

The whole article describes about the digital depression and how you can get rid of it. But at the end, it is totally depend on you. The main thing, you have to stop dreaming, just start and don't focus at the goal. Focus at the path that will lead you to the goal that you wanted to achieve. And while doing, don't forget to take care of your family (passing time with them and enjoy the life) and also pray and don't think negative. Take care of your health. Maintain a healthy diet. Don't think too much. Don't scroll too much. To watch shorts.

After reading the whole article you might think that the person who is writing this article maybe the most discipline guy in the world. But in reality, is not but I am try my best to become more discipline in my life to get rid of mobile addiction. To do something, to achieve my go.

Depression never comes from stress, it comes from doing nothing. But, sometimes it can be related with your health. So make sure, if you are feeling too much stress or tiredness and depression then visit a doctor. 

Note The whole article is my opinion, not a professional.