Physics is a subject of understanding. The more you understand the more it gets easier. Only Memorization has no space here. If you wanted to be the best in Physics then you must need to feel it. How? Today, in this article will tell you the process. Before starting, I would like to share that the whole article is written by my own experience. So, if you want to skip then skip, if you want to continue, then go ahead!

For understanding physics, you must have to memorize the properties. Now, you might have got the question that I just told that memorizing has no space here. So, why I am telling that you have to memorize the properties for better understanding. Well, it's not like that. The memorizing we usually do, is just read and read again and again, repeatedly reading it and then try to my memorize. But in physics you have to memorize by feeling the properties, you have to memorize by understanding the properties. Let's take an example for this let's say you are going to know about moment of inertia and now you just know moment of inertia I=MR². And you have memorized is well. But you don't know what actually moment of inertia is? You don't even try to understand why I is equal to M and the square of R. First you have to understand what is moment of inertia why we use the term named moment of inertia then you have to try by yourself how does it relates with M which is mass of a thing(point) and R, which is a radius. After knowing all of this by yourself or with the help of other or your teachers or the online then all you just have to write it down & again find other related things by books or through online or with the help of your teachers (obviously). Then no need to try to memorize it because you are now automatically going to memorize the whole concept.

This is how physics should be read.

Now let's know about how can you easily memorize Physics!

First, you have to get a clear concept with a great basic of the chapter that you're studying. 

Then, take out a white paper and without seeing any notes. Just write down what you just have studied and write as far as you know, as far as you can remember and pretend as your teaching someone. 

At last, see what's left, why you forget this and then again see the chapter read the properties or the part that you have forgotten. 

Everything in life is Physics - Walter Lewing.