The revolution of internet bringing many opportunities. Giving jobs, healthcare education, travel across the world, etc. In the era of revolutionary internet still there is a lot of farmers who are not getting benefits from internet. Even they don't know what is internet? And how to use it?

Let's talk about the developing countries. Farmers produce crops, seeds, fruits, etc. Then they sell them to the nearby store in their remote area & they get paid. Those buyers transport goods from remote areas to another buyers. Then they sell them to the market where the customers buy them. In this process, some Unscrupulous  businessman gets benefits & make more profit than he deserves. At the end, Farmers get less money than they deserve. 

The world is getting upgrade day by day but the poor are not. Still they are helpless, absorbed. The only reason for this is to not giving them the proper knowledge of use of internet. That's why they do not to know the real use of internet. 

If govt/ non-govt. organization teach the Farmer of remote areas how to use the internet and grow their business then it could bring more improvement of their lifestyle & in the market place where the general are suffered & absorbed. But why should we educate them about the use of internet?

Well, if we do that then both will get benefits,

  • Market conditions can be brought under control
  • Every goods price will be in moderate 
  • Farmers & General people will get benefits
  • There will be no chance of market syndicate
  • The government will get the exact value of produced goods and sold goods
  • Farmer will easily get the information of what to produce next, etc.

At present, lot of countries are getting developed day by day. Getting many opportunities of jobs, learning, etc in their country through internet. Earning more money. But, yes there are bad sides too. And it's normal to have a bad sides. There's a law of Newton that "Every force has its equal and opposite force."

But for this process there is a lot of obstacles. 

  • Making a team, who will teach them
  • Providing them 24 hr. internet connection
  • Unscrupulous businessman's barrier
But there is nothing impossible. Because humans did everything. From getting on to the top of Mount Everest to moon etc.

Finally, farmers in remote areas should be given internet education in controlling and smooth running of the market system. So that they become aware of its use and can use it to improve themselves. 

"This is not a professional opinion, I'm a student. I Wrote this article on my website. If you like it, you can't share this on Facebook:(, but can share this on Twitter:).

"*I am not fluent in English, learning it. So if I made any mistake then forgive me. :) Thanks! (: