Muslim people have a doubt about investment. Is investing halal in Islam?

Well that was he should have a proper knowledge what is Haram in Islam? No I am not talking about food I am talking about the income source. If you give some money like 10,000$ to a person and you take more than 10,000$ from him then it will be Haram. 

The halal income source should be somehow risky (risk of profit or loss)or hard(physical or mental). This types of income source or halal in Islam. 

So if you are going to invest in a company or invest in your business it will be completely halal because there is a risk about profit or loss and also you are giving your mental or physical labor. 

But if you are investing in others company then it should be halal.  Investing in a halal company means the company should be in the way of halal. That means that company where you are going to invest should produce or sell halal products. Like, if they sell cars, bikes, gold etc. then it will be halal. But  if they sell alcohol, cigarettes or pork then it will be Haram!(completely haram). There is a lot of halal company you can find. So, why should you invest in a haram company. Investing in a bitcoin or atrium coin or Dodge coin haram, but you should do more research on these coin because in some countries Bitcoin means cryptocurrency completely ban. Find the way of halal. You are on the way of other then you will definitely get succeed in your life and after-life. 

That's all for today on “‘Investment’ in Islam!”