Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh is known as the most polluted city or the most slowest city. This is because of the city infrastructure. However it could be changed if the government of Bangladesh takes some necessary steps. This article with describe some of my ideas on changing the infrastructure of Dhaka. Please note that this is totally a personal opinion of mine.
• Buildings
Dhaka is already divided into sectors each sectors should have a maximum capacity of people. For controlling the number of people living in a single sector can be done by making the buildings in a certain level. Like, no building can be more than 5th floor or 6th floor or 7th floor. Depends on how the land area is big.
• Roads
God forbid, if there is an earthquake more than tolerance limit then the firefighter can do rescue operation in those buildings that are situated near main roads. If we talk about the roads of society/ sub roads/ local area road, maybe firefighters cannot reach there because of the roads, that are small & not enough wide.
• Illegal parking
In the main roads there is a lot of cars even the rickshaws are taking up half of the space which causing traffic jams. It should be stop by making certain big paking lods.
•Bus stops
The local buses even the BRTC buses stops on a random place, middle of road or anywhere. Which also cause traffic jam as they don't wanted to make the bus behind them to pass and took the passengers those are waiting ahead. It should be stop by making certain bus stops.
Rickshaws on roads making the traffic slow. Sometimes they go through the wrong side. Which also cause traffic jam. It should be stop by giving them license plate & change then to auto rickshaw which runs on electricity, seen in village areas. Also change the speed power of those auto rickshaw's engine.