Why Gaming industry is falling

The gaming industry is falling. It's time to take this head on and admit that the most popular games out there are actually not that great anymore. After all, they are just products trying hard to make money by appealing to people's greediness and desires for more stuff. We've seen how microtransactions have ruined some of our favorite titles like Free Fire, Fortnite Battle Royale and Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 but now we want to talk about how loot boxes have also affected these games too!


Microtransactions are the act of paying a small amount of money to get something in return. In games, they can be used by developers to make money from their games. Microtransactions can be found in many different video games, even some that are free to play.

Microtransactions are used by developers because they allow them to monetize their game without having any other revenue streams available (like advertisements). If a developer wants more funds than what advertising can provide and has no other options for generating income from their game then microtransactions come into play where players simply pay real-world currency for virtual items within the game itself rather than having ads displayed during gameplay or outside of it like banner ads on websites which may look appealing but cost the user more money overall than what they would have spent otherwise!

Microtransactions are the act of paying a small amount of money to get something in return.

Microtransactions are the act of paying a small amount of money to get something in return. In most cases, they're used by free games and apps that you can download from the App Store or Google Play. You may notice them when looking at your favorite game on the store: there might be an option to buy extra items, characters or other things that would make your experience better (or worse).

Microtransactions are usually not a big deal for most people because they're usually not necessary for playing the game and getting all its features out of it. However, some people use microtransactions as an opportunity to make more money from their hobby—and this becomes problematic when these gamers start spending tons of money on virtual goods without really needing them.

Loot Boxes

Loot boxes are a way to monetise a game, and they're not a good way of doing it. They don't make the games better or more interesting; they just give players something shiny and new to buy with their money. If you have played online games for any length of time, then chances are that you have spent money on loot boxes at some point in your life—and if this has happened once or twice, then chances are that at least once it was due to some loot box system being deployed as part of an expansion pack or DLC update (perhaps as part of an attempt by developers as they seek out new revenue streams).

Loot boxes are not just used in single player games either: many multiplayer titles also include them as well (such as Rocket League). In fact, almost every game released today contains some kind of microtransaction mechanic associated with it; whether those transactions happen through purchase via Steam or elsewhere online is irrelevant because each publisher has its own methodologies behind how these transactions work.

Their main goal is to make more money, not to add value to the game.

One of the main reasons why gaming companies are falling is because they are focusing on making more money, rather than adding value to their games. Microtransactions and loot boxes are a way for them to make more money by selling things that players can buy with real money. This means that if you have an expensive console or PC game, there's a good chance someone will pay $100-200 USD just so they can get all kinds of cool stuff in-game like weapons or cosmetic items (like hats).

Microtransactions aren't the only way gaming companies try to make more money though; Pay To Win also has its place in this industry as well!

Pay To Win

Pay To Win (PTW) is a term used to describe a game where the player can buy items and advantages that give them an advantage over other players. In many cases, these advantages are random or based on luck, but in others they're earned through gameplay.

Pay-to-win is a bad business model for several reasons:

  • It creates an unfair playing field for gamers who don't have the money necessary to invest in their character's gear and abilities. If you're not willing or able to spend thousands of dollars on virtual goods, then it will be difficult for you to compete with those who do have those resources available. This leads us back around again: pay-to-win ruins gaming experiences by creating a divide between those who can afford what they need versus those who cannot afford what they need!"

When companies are ruining their games just to make money, they are completely missing the point.

When companies are ruining their games just to make money, they are completely missing the point.

The problem isn't that game developers want to make money; it's that they're not adding value to their products. The fact that gamers can purchase additional content for a game isn't inherently bad—it's just another way to get more out of your investment in entertainment. What bothers me is when companies use microtransactions as a means of padding out existing content or creating new features without adding any value beyond what was already there before (and often without even considering how much it would cost). This practice makes me feel like my time and money have been wasted because there wasn't anything worthwhile about these new features at all—they were just something else thrown onto an otherwise mediocre experience so that people would buy more DLC items from them instead!

Lack Of Pleasure

The gaming industry is in a crisis. The games are no longer fun, and the people who make them aren't having any more fun than anyone else.

The gaming industry has become something else entirely: A business where people are paid to feel good about themselves instead of doing what they love most: Playing video games!

It's not that there aren't still good developers making great games—there are plenty of them out there—but they're not being given the chance to shine like they used to be when it came down to who made the most entertaining product for players around the world (and here). In fact, many companies whose names might ring bells among gamers' ears today don't even exist anymore; some were bought up by bigger firms who didn't really care what kind of content those titles contained or how well they were executed on their end (or both).

Making A Game Is Hard Work

Making a game is a complex process. It takes time, money and patience to make an effective game. The cost associated with making a video game can be quite high and it requires lots of people to work on it. So if you think that your idea for a video game doesn't require much effort or money then think again; there are many other factors involved in making games that go beyond just writing code or designing graphics etcetera

It's easy for entrepreneurs to get caught up in their own worlds when they start developing their ideas into reality but remember that no matter how great an idea sounds at first glance there are always going to be problems along the way until those problems become solved by someone else who knows something about them :)

There is a lot of pressure coming from great gaming companies like Nintendo and Sony who have provided free updates for their games for years.

It is true that the gaming industry has been falling for years. However, Nintendo and Sony are doing everything right by providing free updates for their games and not forcing you to pay for DLCs or microtransactions. They also do not force you to pay for loot boxes or any other forms of gambling in their games like most other companies do.

You might be thinking: "But what about those big publishers who make billions every year?" Well they don't have free updates! They make all kinds of money just from selling copies of their products at full price on the shelves (which isn't really much).

I'm sure there is more than one person out there who thinks this way too; but let me tell you something: If we want our favorite franchises - like Mario Odyssey or God Of War - then we should support them by purchasing them when they come out instead of waiting until some day in 2020 when those same games become available again without charging us extra dollars just because someone wants another copy now instead."

More of the same

You probably know that gaming is a popular hobby, but you might not be aware of how much the industry has changed in recent years. Gaming is no longer just about playing games—it's also about making them. And as we've seen with other industries over time, this can lead to stagnation and decline if it isn't properly managed.

The most recent example of this is the rise of eSports: competitive video gaming that attracts large audiences and lucrative sponsorships from companies like Intel and Coca-Cola (among others). While this trend may seem promising at first glance—a new revenue stream for developers!—there are several reasons why I think it could have negative consequences for both players and developers alike:

AAA Games have become way too expensive to make

The cost of AAA games has been increasing for years. The development, marketing and distribution costs all have to be factored in when you're making a game that will sell millions of copies around the world.

The hardware needed to run these games is also expensive—a server farm needs to be established as well as powerful CPUs or GPUs (graphics processing units) with lots of RAM and storage space. Software also needs to be maintained constantly, which means more people need to work on servers 24/7 at all times.

Lack of Creativity

The gaming industry is not as innovative as it used to be. There are no new ideas and new games in the market. The developers are trying to copy other games, which were released earlier than them, or they take an existing game from another genre and make it into a different category with slight changes here and there. This lack of creativity has resulted in a lack of innovation in the gaming industry as well as less competition among players because everyone knows what's going on around them at any given time when playing online games like Clash Royale or Fortnite Battle Royale etc., which leads us back again towards our first point: Lack Of Creativity!

Marketing is Broken

Marketing is broken.

The gaming industry is one of the most crowded spaces on earth and it's hard to get anyone's attention. When you look at all of the products, services and brands vying for your attention in this space, why would anyone pay attention to yours? What makes your brand unique? How can you position yourself as an expert without being able to answer these questions? In order for marketing teams within gaming companies to succeed with their campaigns (and ultimately make money), they need a clear understanding of how consumers see their products and services—and this means having access to data. But many companies don't have access because they don't have enough resources or expertise in collecting data from across multiple platforms like Facebook/Instagram/Twitter etc., so what happens when there are no numbers available about who bought what product at which price point?

Expensive Gaming PCs

Gaming PCs are expensive. The cost of a gaming PC is really high, and it's not worth it to spend that much money on something that you can get for less.

You don't need a $2,000 gaming PC to play games! You can still play your favorite games without spending an arm and leg on one. There are cheaper models out there that do the same job as their more expensive counterparts (or even better).

Console Hardware Limitations & Performance Issues

The first issue is that console hardware is not as powerful as PC hardware. The reason for this is due to the design of the console, which limits how much you can do with your game engine. A lot of times there are some restrictions on what can be done and how hard it will run in order to keep things simple and fast for gamers who are just starting out with their first experience of playing video games.

Another thing that affects performance when using console vs PC gaming systems is how well optimized each individual title has been made by developers so they run smoothly on both platforms without any issues whatsoever!

This industry needs a new approach, new ideas and ways to evolve.

The gaming industry as it stands today is in crisis. It’s time for a new approach, new ideas and ways to evolve.

The first thing that needs to change with the gaming industry is the focus on creating games that are fun and worth their price. It doesn’t make sense anymore when you look at what developers are doing these days: making games where most of them only sell because they have high production values or because they have good graphics (or both). If this were true, we would have more than enough titles released every year but instead we only have about 10-15 titles hitting shelves at any given time compared with 50 years ago when there were hundreds more releases per year! This shows just how much our industry has changed since then so there must be something wrong somewhere along those lines…

Recent YouTube search Graphs (2021)

This recent YouTube search on gaming shows how it was so high in the middle of 2021 and then it started falling. Here 100 means popular(highest) and 50 means half popular.

In the end, The gaming industry has been in a downward spiral for years and it’s not clear that it will ever get better. The big companies are just looking to make more money by selling you something thats already available on other platforms, while many of the small companies have given up and decided they would rather keep their operation going as long as possible than trying new things like free updates or alternative payment methods. This problem could easily be fixed if people would just try harder instead of focusing so much on making games that look good from afar but don't provide any real value to players once inside them! 

“Games is the largest segment within entertainment by far,” said Michael Metzger, an esports industry expert and partner at investment banking firm Drake Star. “There’s a good amount of new players coming into Netflix; Amazon might make a big move this year.”

Many goverment of countries are against games. because it's waste of time. A lots of games got banned past 3 years. Also, many gamers are converting their channel into vlogging or reaction channel. 

Gaming industry