Economy mainly depends on 1 things

1. Youth of a nation

Youth have the power to change their country's economic situation. They have the power to make their nation economy weak. How?

Let's talk about a person who is young. He/she just fnished his study. If he has a good grade and skill then he/she can easily get a job. Now, we  can say that his life is set. 

Now, let's talk about another young boy(it could be a girl, there's no problem with that). He/ she finished his/her study but he don't have a good grade. It might be hard for him to get a good job. He interviewed 10 or more times in different companies. They didn't give him job because of insufficent skill and grade point. Now, he has two choices. One is to stay at home and go into depression. Then start doing crimes. Another one is to gain skill form different sources. Then start a business or add himself in different companies (after gaining skill). We all know that in today's generation skill is more improtant than grade point. But not in alll case, like if you wanna be a government officer then you must have a good point and great knowledge. 

Apart from criminals, these two young is directly or indirectly cortributing on their nation economy. But if  another the young who become criminal then he will not contribute on his nation economy. 

This is just a example.

The youth of a nation have many choices to do but some start doing crimes which end is much bad and disrespectful.

Just look into it open your eyes and then you will be avail to find that there a lot of thing that can help you to get a good life for you and your nation. 

Do learning, do farming, make different things( do invention, however if it's already invented and do research on it make it easier than before) Look, computer was already invented but Bill Gates start research on it and then made it much easier and much cheaper also much smaller than before! And now, we all know him as a billionaire.

Knowledge is not closed by books, It's open and it can be found anywhere. Text book, other book, history book, even in nature, inside of world or outside of the world; ANYWHERE! 

If you have skills, you have knowledge then the success will run after you and if the successs run after you then money will run after you. You just need to run after knowledge and skills! 

Not memorizing is the real knowledge, understanding is the real knowledge.

If youth are enterprising then the economy growth of a nation cannot be forbidden. So every government should focus on the real education.

I am a student of science. This is my personal thoughts on economy.