How to read well

Best way to read 

Student read books and there are some tips to read a book that will help you to keep memorize the lines for a long time or may be for life time.

1. Read Aloud 

Reading aloud helps you to keep memorized the lines that you have read for a long time. But there are some people who love to read silently. If you are comfortable to read in silent then carry on. But the best way to read aloud. By reading aloud, your eyes are on the line, your ears are hearing the words of that line and your brain is capturing the lines at a time. But don't read too much aloud. Read like a normal people.

2. Read and draw:

In search, there are two parts in our brain one which captured the colors the pictures and another which always calculate numbers and remember the lines. That means, if you read something it will store in the one part of your brain and in the meantime if you draw it then it will store in your another part of your brain too. But if you were reading a normal book or a book where you don't need to draw then don't draw because it will be the waste of time. Like if you are reading a history book or a English book then you don't need to draw. But if you are reading science like physics, chemistry, biology then you need to draw/ write and read. You will help you to keep remember the words for a long time.

3. Read only the lines if it is 1st time:

If you are reading a book for first time then don't try too much to understand a topic of the book. Just read properly and then after finishing the book or the chapter read the line of the topic that you didn't understood previous. 

These are some tips for students.