If you are a student and you wanted to earn money then here are some tips and steps that you should follow to earn money. 


For earning money through the internet you should have some basic knowledge. If you don't have a basic knowledge then you will get cheat in every platform. At first chose a platform where you want to join to earn money. Also choose a category to make money through it. Get some basic knowledge before entering the website or after entering the website. Everyplatform has their website along with some knowledge for beginners and some documentation. The platform where you are going to work should be safe. Like if you want to work in fiverr then get some basic knowledge on the the platform by watching YouTube tutorials and many more website 

Working and Study:

As you are a student and you wanted to earn money then you should always remember that you are a student and you need to study. That's why, make a proper daily routing where you have to give time to the website you are working on and also to your study. Because earning money in a student life is not more important than earning money after finishing your study.  

Make Focus on one:

Always make focus on One direction don't choose different direction to earn money. Lot of us have this problem that they just run in different ways at a time. Like, if you are a freelancer then don't try to be a YouTuber. If you don't focus on one item and you just want to everything at a time then you cannot get literally anything. That's why you should always focus on one not two, three, four!

Work hard as much as possible:

Work hard as much as possible is the true background story of all successful man. If anyone wanted to success in life then he must do hard work. But as you are a student then you need to work more hard. Because you have  study, assignments to do along with the clients work that you are given to do for earning money. 

Think before you proceed:

This is kind a popular proverb that tells us to think before speaking, think before doing something. 

Be kind:

Wherever you work, you always should have kindness. Because without it you cannot get achieve in any kinds of platform. 

Get knowledge:

Let's look on examples. A man wanted to become a freelancer that's why he opened a freelancer account in a website. But he don't know how to speak English even he don't know about freelancing. Then will he get success or can he earn money through the website. That's why you should always get knowledge on the right way. You should have a good comment on English before working on every single platform in this generation.